Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
Press Release on Statements Containing Hate Speech
Press Release on Statements Containing Hate Speech
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Elections are one of the most fundamental instruments which allow individuals to show their political will within the framework of civil and political rights in democratic societies. All citizens have the right to take part in performing public services, vote and be elected without discrimination and unreasonable limitations. According to Article 67 of our Constitution: "In conformity with the conditions set forth in the law, citizens have the right to vote, to be elected, to engage in political activities independently or in a political party, and to take part in a referendum. [...]. All Turkish citizens over eighteen years of age shall have the right to vote in elections and to take part in referenda. [...]"

It is necessary to establish the ground which allows for everyone to exercise their rights safely and accessibly starting in the pre-election preparation period and including a specific time period following the elections. Respecting fundamental rights and freedoms, starting with freedom of expression and prohibition of discrimination, is important for ensuring effective participation to election processes. In an electoral environment where the principles of non-discrimination and equality do not prevail, the principle of fair and free election becomes damaged.

Freedom of speech, which is one of the fundamental elements of democratic societies, is important during democratic election periods when it is necessary to be able to discuss any political or public issues for voters to be able to critically evaluate the policies and programs of political parties and/or candidates and make conscious decisions. However, freedom of speech is not an unlimited right. Hate speech is accepted to be one of the limits of freedom of speech.

According to the Recommendation No. R (97) 20 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on “hate speech,” hate speech covers: "all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance, including: intolerance expressed by aggressive nationalism and ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility against minorities, migrants and people of immigrant origin."

European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) accepts the advocacy, promotion or incitement, in any form, of the denigration, hatred or vilification of a person or group of persons, as well as any harassment, insult, negative stereotyping, stigmatization or threat in respect of such a person or group of persons and the justification of all the preceding types of expression, on unlimited personal characteristics and on the grounds as race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, language, religion or belief and sex status as hate speech within the scope of General Policy Recommendation N°15 on Combating Hate Speech.

Persons being discriminated against on the grounds of language, religion, race, color, ethnicity, etc. constitutes a violation of international human rights acquis and universal human rights principles, especially “United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination," "European Convention on human Rights," and "European Council Directive 2000/43/EC on the Implementing the Principle of Equal Treatment Between Persons Irrespective of Racial or Ethnic Origin" to which Türkiye is also a party.

Our Institution, main mission of which is to protect the right to equal treatment of persons on the basis of human dignity and prevention of discrimination in exercising the legally acknowledged rights and freedoms, is following the use of expressions that constitute hate speech towards immigrants and asylum seekers in various media platforms with concern. Within this scope, our Institution condemns the discriminatory, insulting and hate-filled statements toward various people and groups.

Respectfully announced to the public.

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